What is Rotary Action Group for Peace (RAGFP)?
The Rotary Action Group For Peace (RAGFP) is an independent and international group recognised by Rotary International as an official entity that empowers and supports peace work of Rotarians, Rotary Clubs and Districts worldwide.
It was formed in 2012 by Rotarians who share the same mission of promoting and advocating positive peace around the world. RAGFP assists and supports Rotary Districts and Clubs in implementing large-scale community development and humanitarian service projects.
Make peacebuilding your mission. Join now.

What is RAGFP Hong Kong & Macao Chapter?
RAGFP Hong Kong & Macao Chapter is an autonomous collection of RAGFP members in RI District 3450. Endorsed by the District, it serves as a link to RAGFP and other RAGFP Chapters for international fellowship and services.
The Chapter aims to promote positive peace, and sharing of know-how and commitment to peace. It empowers, educates and supports Rotary Clubs to further collective Rotary Peace Efforts.
The Chapter is about
Rotary as Leader in Peacebuilding;
Engagement in Actions of peace and integrate Peace into Clubs’ service project;
Learning & Capacity Building for a better understanding of Peace, United Nations SDG, 8 Pillars of Peace & the 4-Way Test; and
Rotary Peacebuilder Club Movement to create & sustain peaceful Communities.
The Chapter is part of the Rotary Action Group for Peace.

Join us now

Are you a Rotarian, a Rotoractor or a Rotary Alumnus in RI District 3450? Join us as an individual member, and come with us on our journey of building peace in the world!
A Founding Member makes a defined financial to the Chapter on or before the end of Rotary year 2020-21. All Founding Members are also Voting Members.
A Voting Member may stand for election to the Board of Directors.
A General Member can take part in all activities of the Chapter but do not enjoy the power to vote.
Membership fee is payable and is waived for 2020-21.
To become a member of RAGFP Hong Kong & Macao Chapter, you must be a member of RAGFP first.

RAGFP Peacebuilder Clubs form a powerful global force to champion Peacebuilding in Rotary Clubs across the world. They work to engage in dialogues and projects to promote positive peace locally and globally.
The Peacebuilder clubs:
educate and empower fellow Rotarians, Interactors, Rotaractors etc. regarding Peacebuilding principles by
online training,
conducting brief trainings in club meetings, and
recognising the contribution to peacebuilding in all seven areas of Rotarian focus;
engage fellow Rotarians, Interactors, Rotaractors etc. in Peacebuilding actions through sponsorships; and
raise the Profile by increasing public awareness of Rotary’s Peacebuilding activities
Rotarians and Rotaractors can register their Rotary Club as a Peacebuilder Club. To qualify for Peacebuilder Club status, form a Peace Committee of two members of RAGFP.