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Youth Peace Programmes

We support Rotary Clubs to engage in peacebuilding services and be recognized for presidential citation.

This may include :

  • Contribution to existing service projects and position them in the context peace

  • Come up with service project areas for consideration and adoption/adaptation by Clubs

The Support may include :

  • Development of project proposal

  • Advice on preparing District Grant application

  • Support coordination and execution

  • Report and evaluation

Rotary Positive Peace Academy for Youth Leader

Rotary Positive Peace Academy for Youth Leader

Train Secondary school student leaders and student leaders from Secondary school, College & University in order to enhance their peaceful mindset and incorporate the concept of peace in daily life situations.

Social/Racial Harmony Peace Programme

Social/Racial Harmony Peace Programme

Through Inter-cultural, Learning Skills Training & Performance, help primary 4-6 and Secondary 1-3 students increase their understanding towards difference culture and promote interethnic peace and cultural awareness.

United Nations International Days

United Nations International Days

  • Makes students develop interest and curiosity towards global issues and UN actions.

  • Builds the foundation of youth culture that embraces and celebrates diversity and positive peace actions

Peace Garden Project for Primary School

Peace Garden Project for Primary School

Connects students to nature and help them develop peaceful mindset.

MUN workshop & Conference

MUN workshop & Conference

Helps Secondary 2 to 5 students enhance their world knowledge and raise their interest in world issue, and establish building blocks of developing next generation of peace advocates.


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©2023 by RAGFP Hong Kong & Macao Chapter

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