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Youth Peace Programmes

United Nations International Days


  • For students to develop interest and curiosity towards global issues and UN actions

  • To build the foundation of youth culture that embraces and celebrates diversity and positive peace actions


  • The celebration would be delivered as comprehensive training sessions. Students and teachers will take 1-2 courses as introduction to sustainable development goals and UN International Days, following by the project designs which allow them to think of the ways to celebrate any UN Internation Days. For instance, on the International Day of Charity, students may fold origamis to send to charities whilst making monetary, food or material donations.

  • The club would assign professional trainers to lead students and teachers, together with study materials and other related supported references. More importantly, it is our hope that student is going to practice what they learn from the lesson and have a taste of "making peace come true". Thus, our trainers would offer advice during the designing process. At the end of the activities, students would host school-based celebrations and establish network of "UN Days".

Due to the Covid19, all activities will be conducted online.

If you are interested in the project, contact us for support.


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©2023 by RAGFP Hong Kong & Macao Chapter

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