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Youth Peace Programmes

Social/Racial Harmony Peace Programme


  • Through Inter-cultural, Learning Skills Training & Performance

  • For primary 4-6 and Secondary 1-3 students

  • To increase their understanding towards difference culture

  • To promote interethnic peace and cultural awareness


This project consists of three main parts. The first part is multicultural experiences where participants can learn about the different ethnic groups and their cultures in Hong Kong via specific cultural activities such as dances, paper cutting, playing Chinese drums, playing Chinese chess and so forth. The second part consists of a peace building leadership camp where participants are invited to join and learn about what it takes to become a leader in building interethnic peace. The third part is the presentation of achievements and knowledge by participants, of what they learnt via the first and second parts.

*In case of pandemic restrictions, these activities will be conducted online. There will be online workshops and students will be assigned projects to submit after completing the programme.

If you are interested in the project, contact us for support.


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©2023 by RAGFP Hong Kong & Macao Chapter

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